Here you will find all press releases and further information about developments in our business areas, our products and services, and events.

DuMont Develops First Open International MarTech Ecosystem Under the Entirely Brand
With Entirely, DuMont, one of Germany's leading media and technology companies, is unveiling the first open, international MarTech ecosystem.
8 October 2024 | German Press Releases

Oliver Eckert Appointed COO of DuMont
DuMont welcomes new COO: The Supervisory Board appoints Oliver Eckert as the new Chief Operating Officer to the Group Management Board of DuMont, effective April 1, 2024.
1 February 2024 | German Press Releases
Agreement with employee representatives on social plan following reallocation of printing order
After almost a month of intensive talks between DuMont Druck, RZZ Versand and the respective works councils, a total package totalling 21.8 million euros was agreed.
27 November 2023 | German Press Releases
Christian Hümmeler appointed acting editor-in-chief of Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger
Christian Hümmeler will join the editorial team of the Cologne daily newspaper as deputy editor-in-chief and will also take over as acting editor-in-chief from November 1, 2023.
27 October 2023 | German Press Releases
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Medien Awards Printing Contract to External Partner
Starting on 4th of October 2023, newspapers Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Kölnische Rundschau and EXPRESS will be produced by Mittelrhein Verlag in Koblenz.
6 October 2023 | German Press Releases
Tobias Ackermann appointed as new CEO of censhare
Change at the helm of censhare: Effective from October 1, 2023 Tobias Ackermann is set to assume the role of Chief Executive Officer
14 September 2023 | German Press Releases
17 August 2023 | German Press Releases
Aus DuMont Business Information wird QUiNFOS
Ab 1. März tritt die DuMont Business Information GmbH mit eigener Marke und Identität unter QUiNFOS auf.
1 March 2023 | Pressemitteilung
1 February 2023 | German Press Releases
MARMIND wird Teil der UNITED Marketing Technologies-Gruppe von DuMont
Horizontale Erweiterung des MarTech-Angebots von UNITED durch Marketing Resource Management
9 December 2022 | German Press Releases
DuMont Process wird Teil von CCOne
DuMont Process hat künftig einen neuen Eigentümer: Im Zuge der weiteren Fokussierung auf die Kerngeschäftsaktivitäten in den drei Bereichen Regionalmedien, Business Information und Marketing Technologies veräußert das Medien- und Technologieunternehmen DuMont die Customer Service-Tochter DuMont Process.
5 December 2022 | German Press Releases
UNITED Marketing Technologies übernimmt mit artegic den führenden Spezialisten für Marketing Automation und SaaS-Anbieter in Deutschland
75,1 Prozent der artegic-Anteile künftig bei UNITED Marketing Technologies.
10 November 2022 | German Press Releases
Facelift expands management board: social media marketing provider on a consistent growth course
Facelift stellt sich für weiteres Wachstum auf und erweitert das Management Board um zwei hochkarätige Neuzugänge: Der führende Anbieter für Social Media Marketing beruft Arne Kittler zum Chief Product Officer (CPO), Rasmus Grapentin wird neuer Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
12 April 2022 | German Press Releases
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Change at the top of the local department
Christian Hümmeler wechselt komplett in die Chefredaktion. Die Führung des Lokalressorts Köln übernehmen Tim Attenberger und Jan Wördenweber.
15 February 2022 | German Press Releases
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Jörn Tüffers übernimmt Leitung der Redaktion im Rhein-Erft-Kreis
Der 56-Jährige kommt vom Medienhaus Bauer in Marl, wo er Lokalredaktionen im nördlichen Ruhrgebiet geführt hat.
3 January 2022 | German Press Releases
Press contacts
Inquiries on all topics concerning DuMont as well as the Marketing Technology business segment:
Inquiries about the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger media:
Anna-Sophia Lasos, Head of Corporate Communications
Questions related to Business Information segment
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