Your Community
to grow
Courage, innovation, and the desire to create – these are the qualities we use to create the future. Interested in joining DuMont? Then start your career at one of Germany’s most innovative media and technology companies – let’s grow together.

business areas, in addition to our
successful book publishing division
What sets us apart
Wir sind ein wachsendes, digitales Unternehmen und erfinden uns immer wieder neu – zusammen mit euch. Wenn ihr Lust auf Themen wie AI, innovative Technologien und zukunftsweisende Ideen habt, seid ihr bei uns genau richtig. Bei uns bekommt eure Kreativität den Raum, den sie verdient.
Future topics
We are a growing digital company and are constantly reinventing ourselves - together with you. If you're interested in topics like AI, innovative technologies, and forward-thinking ideas, you've come to the right place. With us, your creativity gets the space it deserves.
Wir bei DuMont leben Vielfalt – vor allem in der Diversität der Perspektiven und Ideen! Konsequent fördern wir eine Kultur der Offenheit, der Chancengleichheit, des gegenseitigen Respekts und des Miteinanders aller Kulturen in unserem Arbeitsumfeld. Als international agierendes Unternehmen und Mitglied der Arbeitgebende-Initiative „Charta der Vielfalt“ stehen wir dafür ein, dass Diversität gelebt wird. Was ist dein Beitrag für Vielfalt bei uns?
At DuMont, we live diversity - especially the diversity of perspectives and ideas! We consistently promote a culture of openness, equal opportunities, mutual respect, and cooperation among all cultures in our work environment. As a company with international operations and member of the employer initiative "Charter of Diversity", we stand for diversity in practice. How will you promote diversity with us?
Growth Mindset
Wir lernen jeden Tag dazu. Dabei bauen wir auf Menschen, die sich mit ihren Stärken und ihrem Gestaltungswillen einbringen. Neben individueller Weiterbildung bieten wir gezielt gruppenweite Entwicklungsmaßnahmen und hierarchie-übergreifende Lernformate an. Open-Network-Veranstaltungsreihen und Circles zu Themen wie etwa New Work oder AI sind Ausdruck unserer Kultur des Experimentierens und gemeinsamen Lernens.
Growth Mindset
We learn something new every day. In the process, we rely on people who bring their strengths and desire to shape things to the table. In addition to individual further training, we offer targeted group-wide development measures and hierarchy-transcending learning formats. Open network event series and circles on topics such as New Work or AI embody our culture of experimentation and collective learning.
Potenziale in den Menschen erkennen und diese gezielt fördern – das ist eines unserer wichtigen Ziele. Wir bieten gruppenweit viele Karrierechancen in unseren unterschiedlichen Geschäftsfeldern. Bei uns könnt ihr wachsen – und wir unterstützen euch dabei!
Recognizing potential in people and promoting it specifically - this is one of our primary goals. We offer a variety of career opportunities for groups throughout our different business areas. With us, you can grow - and we'll support you!
Gesundheit im Fokus
Der Mensch steht bei uns im Mittelpunkt – und zwar ganzheitlich. Neben der physischen Stabilität im Arbeitsumfeld ist uns in herausfordernden Zeiten auch die mentale Gesundheit sehr wichtig. Diese unterstützen wir mit Gesundheits-Maßnahmen, z.B. Coaching und Workshops.
Health in focus
We prioritize people in everything we do - and take a holistic approach in the process. In addition to physical stability in the work environment, mental health is also very important to us in challenging times. We support this with health measures such as coaching and workshops.
Als Familienunternehmen mit über 400-jähriger Geschichte ist für uns nachhaltiges und verantwortungsbewusstes Handeln mehr als ein Selbstverständnis – für alle unsere Mitarbeitenden und für die nächste Generation. Neben unseren umfangreichen sozialen Aktivitäten und zahlreichen Maßnahmen zum Umweltschutz unterstützen wir auch unsere Mitarbeiter:innen mit konkreten Angeboten, wie etwa zu nachhaltiger Mobilität.
As a family-owned company with over 400 years of history, sustainable and responsible action is more than a matter of course for us - for all of our employees and for the next generation. In addition to our extensive social activities and numerous measures for environmental protection, we also support our employees with concrete offers, such as sustainable mobility.
Wir möchten, dass für unsere Mitarbeitenden Beruf und Familie gut miteinander vereinbar sind. Deshalb bieten wir gezielt Unterstützung an, etwa bei der Kinderbetreuung und der Pflege von Angehörigen.
We want work and family life to be compatible for our employees. That's why we offer targeted support, such as child care and care for family members.
Für mehr Zufriedenheit im Arbeitsalltag: Selbstverständlich ermöglichen wir euch flexible Arbeitszeiten und bieten auch die Möglichkeit, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten.
For more satisfaction in everyday work: Of course, we offer flexible working hours and also the option to work from home.
Wir bieten umfangreiche Benefits – und das mit individuell zugeschnittenen Angeboten in den jeweiligen Unternehmen unserer Gruppe. Informiert euch gerne direkt bei dem Unternehmen eurer Wahl!
We offer extensive benefits - with individually tailored offers at the respective companies of our group. Please contact the company of your choice for more details!
How we work together
We shape the future together – by learning from each other and growing as a team. We foster the strengths of each individual and, with our Circles, we bring people of different backgrounds, expertise, and interests together in cross-functional teams to combine content, data and technology into innovative products.
Every day, we strive to add a new chapter to our exceptional and successful company history – our development efforts are constantly focused on digitalization. Our long history and our clear focus on the future make us unique in the German and international media and technology landscape.
Our values form the basis for this They lay the foundation for how we work together at DuMont. We are committed to living a corporate culture where we treat each other fairly and respectfully, act with integrity, operate transparently, communicate sincerely and take responsibility.
We take responsibility every day. We take a results-oriented approach to work while holding ourselves to a high societal standard, which we view as a comprehensive challenge – especially with regard to future generations.
In our self-understanding as a family business, a constant of our actions must be our commitment to integrity. Earning and building this trust is particularly important to us.
At DuMont, we are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally and socially compatible manner in accordance with internationally established sustainability standards.
We see all of our actions as an integrated approach with the goal of ensuring economic, ecological, and social performance.
As a family business with over 400 years of history and as a strong brand, we strive to offer our customers, users and readers relevant content, data, technologies, and services at all times.
That’s why our commitment is based on the question: How am I helping to make DuMont relevant today? This motivates us all to do our best every day.
We are a group of companies that are united by a shared passion for innovation and knowledge transfer.
We combine the strength of a strong brand with the entrepreneurial spirit of a start-up.
This gives us the courage to venture into new territory every day!
At DuMont, we aim to actively shape progress and innovation as a driver of social and economic change.
As a media and technology company, we are aware of the important role we play: We embody and promote a democratic, cosmopolitan society.
Would you like to become part
of our team?
Do you share your knowledge in a team and enjoy working together on new ideas? Do you bring courage and creativity? Then you’re a perfect fit for us. Have a look at our job offers.